Oh my goodness, that hurts so bad. I can't believe I was so stupid. I think I'm going to need some ice. I don't think I'm going to be able to wear shoes, maybe flip flops, but no shoes.
A few days pass.
It still hurts. And it looks worse. Nice shades of purple and yellow. Maybe it's broken, someone says. Huh, I think to myself, maybe it is.
The next day.
The doctor declares, after an x-ray, that it's not broken. Relief passes over me.
3 weeks pass
Still hurts. Still hurts to wear shoes. Hurts when I bang it on anything. No purple colors anymore. The yellow is all gone. But it still hurts.

You ask what I did? You are not going to believe it. Like I said, it sounds so stupid.
I dropped a frozen roast on it.
See, I said it was stupid.