Tuesday, May 01, 2007


My granny is a sign reader. When I was a little girl, wherever we went, she was always reading the signs. Street signs, billboards, advertisements, street names. If there was a sign on the road, she read it. I always thought this was a really funny trait and always made fun of her. As I grew up, especially during the time that I learned to drive, I found myself doing the same thing. And the funny thing is, as I read the signs in my head, I read them in my granny's voice. I found this trait in myself very intriguing and only in the past couple of years have I been truly thankful for the influence that my granny has left on me.

You see, reading these signs has not only added information to my brain at times but also humor. There are lots of times that I will be looking for a particular store or street name and I will say to myself, "I remember reading a sign for that!" Since I have a photographic memory, I can usually also picture that sign that I had read. Many a times, that sign reading granny has saved my hide and saved me from getting lost simply because I remember reading a sign.

And, at times, my sign reading abilities has made me laugh. Remember last July when I posted about the sign (and actually took a picture of it) that said:

Drive carefully and wear clean underwear just in case.

That was a hysterical sign and had so much significance to me.

Just a few days ago when I was at a doctors appointment, I noticed a white sign amongst a newly landscaped flower garden outside the office. As usual, I stopped to read the sign and had myself a fabulous laugh for the morning. It read:

Please don't discard cigarette butts here. The squirrels come out at nite and smoke them and we are trying to get them to quit.

Now, doesn't that just make you laugh??

BTW - answering that question in the COMMENTS section of this post, is perfectly acceptable. Not answering it is failure to be banned from reading my blog. I know who you are, so you better leave your opinion.

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