Saturday, June 25, 2005

Progress . . .

I took a trip to PA to see how our house is doing! Isn't it beautiful?? Yeah, I know it's not much but it's mine!

And the back . . .

It was really weird to actually go in there. It made me tear up! And it takes alot for me to do that! Our steps were sitting in the living room - the workers were using a ladder to get up to the second floor. It was weird to actually touch them. We had ordered oak stairs with a carpet runner up the middle. They haven't even been stained yet and they had lots of plastic over them to keep them clean. The basement stairs were sitting right next to them. Our basement was just a hole with a few boards over the top. Glad I saw that before I fell in!

Okay - enough for now. I know, I've been a bad internet friend and haven't kept up my site. I won't make any empty promises. Just lower your expectations of me and you'll be surprised how one little post will make you feel!

1 comment:

Freckle Face Girl said...

Wow - it is going fast. It always seems like that for others though.