Friday, August 24, 2007



I'm sorry but Jenn is not home right now. Didn't you know, it's MNO. Oh, you don't know what that is. That's speak for Mom's Night Out.

Where did she go?


experiencing the 'other' side of going to a bar




lounging on the comfy brown couch with her feet propped up wishing the guy with the "stop staring at me and picturing me naked" t-shirt would bring another round of shots

sharing how we met our husbands

singing at the top of her lungs

watching her very good friends dance and try to get her on the dance floor

being a back seat passenger in the back of a convertible with the top down

rising to her knees in that convertible and reaching her hands to the sky exposing that adorable navel ring to the world and yelling at the top of her lungs every time a fellow car drove by

Funny how reality can bite you in the butt sometime. It's just better to accept it and move on. To many times people cry wolf and don't realize that someday, maybe someday, you might push the people you love so far away that they never come back.

will I regret this in the morning

oh yeah, it's already morning

i don't think so

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