Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Line In The Sand?

Soft, pliable, easily washed away. Sand.

It's an old adage. Why is it that people draw lines in the sand? Is it because it's easy. Is it because it's comfortable. Is it because it doesn't hurt and is without consequence. Is it because lines can be quickly drawn. Or is it because it can be easily moved. I believe all of it but mostly the latter.

It's been an interesting road. I don't even think I can count the number of times that I've moved that line.

'I'll allow it to get to this point and then stop.'

'I'm sure I'll never allow it to go this far.'

'If this ever happens, then it has to be over.'

Still, I crossed those lines, waited for the tide to come in to wash the line away and then jumped with both feet into new territory and drew a new line. And look where it has gotten me.

Those lines in the sand WERE easy. Those lines in the sand WERE comfortable. Those lines in the sand DIDN'T hurt and WERE without consequence. They WERE quickly drawn. And they most definitely COULD be easily moved.

I'm doing something different now. I'm trying out a new medium.


Concrete won't be easy. It won't be comfortable. It will hurt and it will have consequence. It will take a long time to draw. And once it's set, it won't be moved. It will hurt like nothing else has hurt in my life. It will leave scars because I will bleed. Those scars will take a long time to heal. But they will heal, I am confident of that. And once time has elapsed and my wounds have disappeared, I will always remember because I will have a constant reminder. But that line will be set, because it's in concrete, never to be crossed again.

1 comment:

Cecil's Buddy said...

Good thinking