Monday, September 11, 2006

We Remember

Today is the 5th anniversary of the deadly attacks on our country. For our family, it holds many sad memories and has many significances. I was 38 weeks pregnant with Gabi and I guess you could say that she saved my husband from being thrown back up into the war zone just a few days later. Tom took a major demotion before I was even out of the hospital. We lived paycheck to paycheck for the next 3 years.

So for us, this day will always be remembered. And for my kids who are now of age to semi-understand what happened on this day. Jake remembers when the second plane hit the World Trade Center. He was 4 1/2 years old. He was sitting in front of the television as his parents watched in horror at what seemed, at the time, to be an accident. We didn't even think to turn the TV off for the sake of those innocent eyes. It never dawned on us. This morning, we had several discussions about the events of that day and our kids had several questions. We observed a moment of silence in our homeschool at the times that each of the planes went down. The kids went to their homeschool learning center today and when I picked the girls up, their teacher said, "When we talked about what happened on this day 5 years ago, both the girls knew exactly what the events were." Those darn homeschool kids, sometimes they know to much.

And for me, for some reason, those memories seem all to vivid. And the effects that it had on my life for months and years to come, seem to be so much more real today. I am thankful that my husband is home today and not flying. For I don't think I want him up in the air ever again on this day. What if they try it again, just for kicks, as an anniversary celebration? I was glad he was home on this day 5 years ago. Even more glad today. I don't think I ever realized, with my pregnant state in the past, how it would have felt to have him out of town that day. What would I have done? Gone into labor?? Had a nervous breakdown?? Cried all day? I look forward to a better day tomorrow.


The Queen B said...

I love how Liv and Jake are solemn but then Gabi's face is like "What? Why do you guys look so sad?" Ooooh, she's such a Foo!

And yes, I'm to am glad that Tom was home that day and has been grounded on each anniversary.

Freckle Face Girl said...

I love their patriotic clothes. I think it is great that they are well aware of what happened. It is a moment in history that was part of their life time (except Gabi).